A kind of philosophy of coexistence:”small nets”
“Small nets” are an attempt to intercept the social and economic segregation and the associated impoverishment of society where it arises to a large extent: in the small area of the home and its immediate surroundings. For groups of 30 to 80 people, the housing, living environment and social structure are to be organised in such a way that solidarity and helpfulness are created without big words or credentials, a “small network” that facilitates and enriches the lives of the inhabitants and is also strong enough to provide space for a certain number of people who cannot live completely alone for some reason (age, physical and mental capacity).
From “The Small Nets – A Sketch”. Hans Rusterholz, 1972/74/76
Assistance/The House Rules
[intlink id=”38″ type=”page”]mutual assistance/house rules[/intlink]